As one of Germany's leading experts in the field of structured analysis, I help companies, government institutions and analysts to improve analysis.

My professional journey started in 2013 as an analyst in a command of the German Armed Forces. Very early on, I took the initiative to complement intuitive analysis with structured analytic techniques.

As a security officer deployed overseas and responsible for the military security of a 500-soldier base, I implemented structured analytic techniques to help the commander on the ground better understand the situation.

During my subsequent activity, I renewed the analysis training of the German armed forces, focusing primarily on the competence-oriented training of structured analytic techniques. Here, I was mainly responsible for conception, planning and preparation as well as for practical implementation and continuous improvement. Since then, the result has been more qualified analysts who are more reflective in their thinking and actions, more effective and more efficient in carrying out their assignments. In short: personnel who create better analysis.

Aktuell treibe ich die Themen „Strukturierte Analysetechniken zur Entscheidungsunterstützung von Führungspersonal“ und „Intelligence Leadership“ an der Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr voran. Ziel ist es, Spitzenpersonal so zu qualifizieren, dass es den vielseitigen Werkzeugkasten strukturierter Analysetechniken effektiv einsetzen kann und hierbei auch auf die Besonderheiten der Führung von Analystinnen und Analysten einzugehen versteht.

Seit 2018 unterstütze ich überdies andere Sicherheitsbehörden in ihren Bestrebungen die eigenen Analysefähigkeiten auszubauen. Im Zentrum stehen hierbei Vorträge, Workshops und Unterrichtungen zu strukturierter Analyse und strukturierten Analysetechniken.

With my site strukturierte-analyse.de I also reach a wide german speaking public with the topics of analysis and analytic techniques since 2019.

Mit dem Übergang in die Selbstständigkeit eröffne ich nun noch mehr Firmen und Institutionen die Möglichkeit, von den praktischen Erfahrungen und theoretischen Kenntnissen zu profitieren, die ich in den vergangenen Jahren sammeln und real erproben konnte.

I would be happy to support you creating better analysis.

Your Ole Donner

Ole Donner

Your expert for intelligence and structured analysis

As one of Germany's leading experts in the field of structured analysis, I help companies, government institutions and analysts to improve analysis.

My professional journey started in 2013 as an analyst in a command of the German Armed Forces. Very early on, I took the initiative to complement intuitive analysis with structured analytic techniques.

As a security officer deployed overseas and responsible for the military security of a 500-soldier base, I implemented structured analytic techniques to help the commander on the ground better understand the situation.

During my subsequent activity, I renewed the analysis training of the German armed forces, focusing primarily on the competence-oriented training of structured analytic techniques. Here, I was mainly responsible for conception, planning and preparation as well as for practical implementation and continuous improvement. Since then, the result has been more qualified analysts who are more reflective in their thinking and actions, more effective and more efficient in carrying out their assignments. In short: personnel who create better analysis.

In the last two years of my service, I advanced the topics of "Structured Analytic Techniques for Decision Support of Senior Personnel" and "Intelligence Leadership" at the German Armed Forces Command and Staff College. The goal was to qualify top personnel in such a way that they can effectively use the toolbox of Structured Analytic Techniques and, in doing so, also understand how to address the specifics of Intelligence leadership.

Seit 2018 unterstütze ich überdies andere Sicherheitsbehörden auf Bundes- und Landesebene in ihren Bestrebungen die eigenen Intelligence- und Analysefähigkeiten auszubauen. Im Zentrum stehen hierbei Vorträge, Workshops und Unterrichtungen zu Intelligence, strukturierter Analyse und Strukturierten Analysetechniken.

With my site strukturierte-analyse.de I also reach a wide german speaking public with the topics of analysis and analytic techniques since 2019.

With the transition to self-employment since 2021, I am opening up the opportunity for even more companies and institutions to benefit from the practical experience and theoretical knowledge that I have been able to gather and test in real life over the past few years.

My clients include government organizations such as the criminal police, intergovernmental organizations such as NATO, as well as national and international companies.

Im privatwirtschaftlichen Bereich unterstütze ich vor allem im Kontext der Themen Corporate Security Intelligence, Foresight und Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). Zu meinen Kunden zählen Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen, darunter auch namhafte DAX-Konzerne

I would be happy to support you creating better Intelligence.

Your Ole Donner

Ole Donner