

The modern world is inundated with a wave of constant change and information, and organizations are faced with the challenging task of making smart decisions in this sea of data. In this in-depth article, we will not only look at the basics of intelligence, but also dive into the various fields of application and the crucial role intelligence plays in Germany.

What is Intelligence and how is it used? (German only)

Structured Analytic Techniques

The human being has basically two different possibilities to think about problems. He can think quickly and intuitively (System 1 thinking) or he can think slowly and consciously (System 2 thinking).[1] For the profession of the analyst it can be stated that intuitive thinking and judgment are often dominant. However, intuitive or fast thinking can be subject to systematic errors called biases and heuristics.[2] These errors occur unconsciously and are thus beyond the analyst's volitional control. However, increased reliance on System 2 thinking can limit the impact of these systematic errors. Structured Analytic Techniques represent a form of System 2 thinking and thus can help produce better analyses.[3] The following explanations are only available in german language.

(Teil 1) Wie wir denken: System 1 und System 2

(Teil 2) Wie wir uns irren: Biases und Heuristiken

(Teil 3) Wie wir es besser machen können: Strukturierte Analysetechniken