
Corporate security intelligence training - objektsicherheit (csit-i)

The field of corporate security is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty. Who is threatening my company's assets? What means and capabilities can I expect to be used? How can I increase the security of my assets?

Corporate security departments must regularly answer such or similar questions. Particularly when measures are then derived that will require resources, such departments must be able to transparently and comprehensibly explain the analytical basis on which recommendations have been made. In this training course, various established approaches from the field of intelligence are taught and made useful for the corporate security field. This makes analysis processes transparent, effective and efficient.

The practice-oriented training focuses on teaching Structured Analytic Techniques (SATs) in a realistic scenario. This means that practical skills are taught that can be implemented in the real work environment.


Corporate Security Intelligence Training - Objektsicherheit


Für wen dieses training bestimmt ist

Im Schwerpunkt richtet sich dieses Training an Personal aus dem  Bereich Unternehmenssicherheit, das mit dem Themenfeld Objektsicherheit betraut ist.

Your advantages

What you get


Training: Corporate Security Intelligence Training – Objektsicherheit (CSIT-I)

Price: 5.350 € plus VAT

Previous knowledge: No previous knowledge is necessary

Content: Dieses Training umfasst die wesentlichen Grundlagen der Analyse und behandelt insgesamt 16 Strukturierte Analysetechniken

Duration: 3 days

Type of implementation: In-House, In-Person

Technical requirements: Räumlichkeiten mit Beamer und Flip-Charts, Optional: Break-Out-Rooms