Analystinnen und Analysten richtig führen

Leading Intelligence

Managing personnel in the intelligence sector requires a special set of knowledge and skills. This is because the creation of special knowledge (intelligence as knowledge) cannot simply be ordered. Intelligence Managers need to be aware of the special characteristics of the personnel and the field of application in order to be able to design processes effectively and efficiently.

This is the only training course in Germany that introduces the specifics of managing intelligence personnel and teaches practical skills to get the best out of your own team or department. It also teaches a range of analytic techniques to support decision-making, making it easier to make structured decisions.


Analysepersonal führen Ablauf


Für wen dieses training bestimmt ist

Im Schwerpunkt richtet sich dieses Training an Führungspersonal in Wissensunternehmungen. Beispielsweise in den Bereichen Informations- und Cybersicherheit, Länderanalyse, Unternehmenssicherheit, Corporate Intelligence oder in Polizeien und Nachrichtendiensten.

Your advantages

What you get


Training: Leading Intelligence

Price: 5.350 € plus VAT

Previous knowledge: No previous knowledge is necessary

Content: Dieses Training umfasst die wesentlichen Grundlagen der Führung von Intelligence- und Analysepersonal und behandelt insgesamt zehn Strukturierte Analysetechniken

Duration: 3 days

Type of implementation: In-House, In-Person

Technical requirements: Räumlichkeiten mit Beamer und Flip-Charts, Optional: Break-Out-Rooms